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What is nuru massage?

The slippery erotic massage from the far east...

Nuru massage is an erotic style of massage. In this session the massage therapist will cover their and your body in nuru gel and then provide you with a very steamy body on body massage.

The massage is normally performed on a plastic blow-up mattress, as you really want to get the gel onto the bed sheets. In this article we will go into depth about everything about nuru massage from the history to where to try this session in London.

History of nuru massage

Nuru massage originally started in 19th century Japan as a way to provide clientele with an erotic experience but at the same time navigate the prohibitive laws on sexual acts and prostitution. 

The therapy soon spread from Japanese cities like Tokyo to other Asian cities such as Bangkok. Bangkok is still an amazing place to get a high quality nuru massage.

Of course the popularity of adult movies has made the massage popular around the rest of the world from Sydney, to London, to Las Vegas.

So what exactly can you expect in a nuru massage session? Well to answer that question we must first provide more information about the gel. Without this unique gel this erotic experience would not be possible.

What is nuru gel made of?

What makes this sensual massage different from other sensual massages is the nuru gel. This gel is made from nori seaweed which is a seaweed typically found off the coasts of Japan. There is not much use for this gel however it is extremely slippery so makes a perfect lubricant for two naked bodies to slide against each other.

If you want to perform a nuru massage with your partner you can easily buy the nuru gel online, both ebay and Amazon sell this product from a variety of brands. We would recommend going with the organic version especially if you have sensitive skin. Famous brand names include Mr Nori’s Magic Gel and kkookk.

Don’t forget to also buy the blow-up plastic mattress too!

What to expect in a nuru massage session

Every experience will be different depending on where you are in the world. We will solely focus on London for now as that is where we’re based.

Your masseuse or masseur will invite you into the place where you are asked to take a shower (hopefully the therapist will join you in the shower to help you scrub down).

Once your body is nice and clean, but still slightly wet, you will be asked to lay down on the front side of your body onto a blow-up mattress.

The therapist will have already mixed up the gel with water to make a nice slimy substance. She will then remove her clothes and will cover her body in the gel and then add the gel to your body too. From here she will start to slip and slide all over your legs, bum, and back. This will feel amazing.

After perhaps 15 minutes you will be asked to turnover where the masseuse starts to massage your legs, stomach, and arms. The slipping and sliding will get more erotic with her sensually touching you all over. Eventually full attention will be focused on your lingam.

All this will culminate in an orgasmic explosion of joy. After this you will receive a head massage to help you calm down, and then a shower to clean off the remaining gel.

Sounds like good fun doesn’t it?

Who would enjoy this massage

The answer to this is simple… everybody!

If you want to have a truly unique experience then I would add this session to your bucket list. It will definitely spice up your lovelife, so definitely recommended for kinky couples.

However, if you don’t have a partner to enjoy with we suggest visiting a professional nuru masseuse. If you live in London you will have no problem finding an erotic massage service who offers nuru massage.

Where to go for a nuru massage in London

There is a great choice of both independent massage therapists and agencies who have a full range of masseuses to choose from.

Here are the top 2 services we would recommend based on feedback from people we know are erotic massage experts…

1 – Nuru Fantasy

Probably the most popular and well-known services in London who specialise in nuru massage. These talented ladies always receive five-star reviews. They have numerous locations dotted across London.

website: nurufantasy.com 

2 – Nuru Stars

Another famous, or should we say infamous, provider of Japanese style nuru massage in London. These therapists are not only talented but also stunningly attractive. Other sensual massages are also available.

website: nurustars.com 

Need more names?

If you visit the website www.tantricgoddesslondon.com you will also find a much bigger list of nuru massage services in London. Whoever you choose we hope you have a wonderful time (we’re sure you will).

You can expect to pay anywhere from £200 to £400 for a nuru massage in the capital. Most sessions usually last one hour, however you can book for longer if you so wish, but one hour is probably enough for most people.

How can I learn to give one?

This is a good question as there is not a well known massage school that teaches how to give a nuru massage. If you were to join a tantric massage company they would teach you.

However, if you are wanting to have fun with your partner we would recommend viewing certain videos online both on youtube and other hubs (nudge nudge wink wink).


In conclusion we shall say only this – go for a nuru massage as soon as you can.

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